Category: Spain, 2008

House-cat-and-dog-sitting in Spain

The Shortest Day

So, here it is,the shortest day of the year – in the northern hemisphere, at least. I am quite sure that it didn’t feel like the shortest day for Carol who, once again, was destined to drive down to Alicante

Christmas Beacons

Carol seems at least to be having some fine weather to enjoy in Spain for Steve and Rosemary’s last full day before flying home. They’ve been down into Jalon for a look around its so-called rastro, more of a flea-market

Guadalest Jealousy

The weather really did seem to have settled down in Spain. What a day for me to have to be leaving for Leighton Buzzard via Luton. The sky was a crystal clear blue with not a puff of cloud in

Wine and Tapas

Following yesterday evening’s news of the death of my mother’s close friend and companion, Tony Hodsden, our mood was naturally subdued. easyJet has stopped its Thursday flight between Luton and Alicante but I had managed to get a seat on

Memorial Walk

After yesterday’s dismal weather, today looked much more promising with a little high, wispy cloud cover in a relatively clear sky and no cold wind. The light wasn’t going to be great for panorama photography but these were excellent conditions

Raining Cats and Dogs

Jake, the black and white cat, was a little late this morning; he waited until 5:15 AM to awaken us by scratching at our bedroom door and suggest that we might let him out. Carol obliged. 30 minutes later Bailey,

The Natural World

True to form, at 3:20 AM Jake, the black and white cat, decided that it was time to go out and roused me by scratching on the bedroom door once again. Naturally, I made the journey across the cold tiled

Breakfast Bungle

What is it about 3:20 AM in this house? Last night I had carefully remembered to power off the computer completely, as opposed to hibernating it, so as not to be awoken by the ghost in the machine suddenly awakening.

Marketing Success

The ghost in the machine spirited the PC awake again at about 3:20 AM last night. I had forgotten to shut it down completely and had only hibernated it. It really is quite disturbing when the hard drive starts whirring

Senija Cross

Another set of beautiful blue skies but this time without the nasty cold wind. This was definitely a day for some walking. We thought we’d break Steve and Rosemary in gently and take them up to a cross on a


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