Category: France, 2008

A thorough examination of the west coast of France

Washing Day

Yours truly clambered onto his bike and pedalled the 6 miles or so to Mont-prés-Chambord and back in search of bread and an Aujour d’hui newspaper. The paper publishes five days’ worth of weather maps and that’s what we wanted.

First Oriole

Weather is perverse. After yesterday’s completely solid and very low cloud thrashing rain at us all day long, there were stars in the hitherto largely unseen sky for some of the night, at least. This morning, there were very brief

Singing in the Rain

The rain started gently soon after we awoke. It was expected and, as the shops were now all open following the holiday Monday, we decided to take the car to the Intermarché at Mont-prés-Chambord to fill up with food and

Running Repairs

The forecast for Monday and Tuesday wasn’t great – thunder storms floating around – so it was a pleasant surprise to be greeted by some clouds scudding in a moderate breeze accompanied by some sunshine. We are about 3 miles

Deserted Roads

The rain was still with us when we awoke at the Aire des Deux Caps. It eased off and eventually stopped shortly afterwards, though. One of the reasons we like using this service area, apart from its proximity to the

Amateur Hour

How we used to get ready for a major expedition to France when we were working, I just do not know. Somehow, in a couple of evenings alone, each following a full day’s work, we’d collect the caravan, wash it,


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