Category: Viking Invasion

A visitation by Carol’s Norwegian friends

English Lessons

Following yesterday’s successful barbecue raiding party, today’s weather was complete pants. (Inger & Helge: “pants” is a colloquial expression for “very bad”.) We resorted to our now normal pattern of lazy morning with breakfast in our conservatory where we listened

Raiding Party

Late last week, our neighbours, Paul and Liz, returned from a l-o-n-g trip to their house in Spain. We hadn’t seen them since May when we scarpered off to France, so we thought it would be fun to get them

Shops Raid

I suppose it is inevitable that, when there is an accumulation of the fairer sex (accumulation being defined as more than one), the Olympic sport of cross-country shopping should come to the fore. So it was today that, after a

Beaching the Longship

Since she was about 13 years old, Carol has had a Norwegian pen-friend, Inger. She and her husband, Helge, live near Bergen in Norway. Today, they were finishing a two week trip around the Avon Ring in a narrow boat


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