Communal Cassoulet

The thunder storms that our old copy of Aujourd’hui seemed to have suggested we might get yesterday turned up overnight. We battened down the hatches and had a somewhat disturbed night’s sleep listening to occasional claps of thunder accompanying the wind-blown rain lashing on Billy’s sides and roof. I was praying that the wind wouldn’t get so strong as to endanger our sun canopy. Fortunately the wind was blowing across it rather than into it.

The elemental battering continued through most of the morning and we sat with Steve and Rosemary under the mercifully still-standing sun canopy, sipping coffee and nattering. Barbecues were not looking too promising as a method of cooking for the evening so I suggested a communal cassoulet to keep out any evening chill. It would be a bit of a cheat using precooked beans in deference to camping gas supplies but what the heck.

The weather brightened by midday so we hit the local supermarché to get our ingredients. We also hit the local McDonalds to see if my blog was faring any better. It wasn’t. I posted three more blog entries and couldn’t see them on the display page. Steve did see them. Then he didn’t. Moving to a new server seems to have left me sometimes getting to the former server and sometimes to the replacement server. Very curious and very screwed up. Bother!

We returned with a still-broken blog and our gastronomic booty to a now bright but still quite windy, lazy afternoon. Lazy, that is, except for those who have to cook a communal cassoulet.

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