Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain

A seriously disappointing change to the weather after the thrill of seal-watching yesterday. Today began with pretty persistent rain, eventually becoming a series of frequent heavy showers accompanied later in the day by the occasional burst of hail rattling across poor ol’ Billy Bailey’s roof. This was a day for staying in reading and doing puzzles (crossword and Sudoku) while the elements vented their wrath outside.

Our highlight was the excitement of an eventual escape from captivity to venture into St. Agnes to buy some beef for a culinary experiment. Of course, once in St. Agnes it decided to rain yet again. The culinary experiment in question was to be Rendang Padang, an Indonesian dryish beef curry, courtesy of an Indonesian-made "export quality" packet of spice paste bought in Indonesia (?) by Carol’s niece.

The instructions, having added the spice paste, were to:

"… shimmer while stirring for +/-15 minutes".

So I asked Carol to shimmer for +15 minutes while I tried to ignore her distractions and stir for -15 minutes. Quite a conundrum, but we seemed to manage it. The result was pretty good, too, for a packet. I wonder how one makes it for real? IF I had the Internet, I could find out.

One comment on “Listen to the Rhythm of the Falling Rain
  1. Rosemary says:

    Oh, excellent – but why no piccie of Carol shimmering!!!

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