Category: Prostate cancer

Meeting the Surgeon

It took surprisingly little time, considering that this is the NHS we’re talking about, for things to start moving once I had chosen a radical prostatectomy as my preferred course of action. After a little over a week, an appointment

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Decision Time

Following my prostate biopsy in late August, ‘t was results time in mid-September. The truth came as no real surprise to me, my prostate was misbehaving and had developed a touch of cancer. 14 samples had been taken. One sample

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Transrectal Biopsy Delights

Such a wonderfully descriptive phrase, transrectal biopsy. In my five year journey to my current PSA-out-of-bounds stage, I have learned some interesting things about transrectal biopsies of the prostate gland. My consultant and specialist nurse discussed the possibility of a

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Pesky PSA Monitoring

One of the tests to check for the possibility of prostate cancer is a blood test to determine PSA level. PSA = Prostate Specific Antigen, a protein produced by one’s prostate gland. As I understand it, an increased level of

Consulting the Consultant

OK, so, five years ago, having established that I could not simply ask for a blood test to check my PSA level, I made an appointment to see my GP who administered the other relatively common test, the DRE (Digital

Passing Out Parade

[Ed: It’s necessary to suspend any smutty schoolboy humour for this one.] A couple of weeks ago, an appointment with the specialist nurse at my hospital’s urology clinic turned up. D-Day was Thursday and H-hour was 1:00 PM. Though the

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Prostate in the Back Seat

About five years ago work gave up on me – as in, my position was no longer required and I was offered the chance to seek alternative opportunities elsewhere. Work wasn’t the only thing giving up on me. In my

Cancer: Breast versus Prostate

Fear not, I am not about to compare breast cancer and prostate cancer. Let’s face it, non of the many forms of cancer are welcome companions on our journeys through life. I am, however, interested in comparing the two awareness

Prostate Cancer Awareness Awareness

Alternatively, I suppose, Prostate Cancer Awareness2. [Ed: Well, it gave me a chance to use the superscript HTML tag.] When we were enjoying Guernsey last week thanks to the hospitality of our friends, Steve & Rosemary, on Friday morning Carol


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