Tag: England

Roast Duck

I prefer to roast duck slowly at first to make the fat run out, then crisp it under a higher temperature towards the end. Well, actually I prefer to cook it via indirect heat in a Weber grill but this’ll

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Sweet Pastry

My pastry chef says that this recipe makes a very maleable, easy-to-handle dough. It is basically a cheating approach to a more traditional French pâté sucrée. Planning serves: n/a preparation time: 10 mins cooking time: n/a Ingredients 175g plain flour

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Sea Bass with a Black Olive Crust

This recipe is based upon one in Nico by Nico Ladenis. My main change is to use wholemeal breadcrumbs instead of white and, rather than pressing and refrigerating the crust mixture before use, just to press it roughly straight onto

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Caramelized Red Onion

There are various recipes flying around for so-called Red Onion Marmalade or Caramelized Onion. The thing that seems to vary most is the sweetness or otherwise of the recipes. This version was my smashing together of a couple of recipes

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Sloe Gin

This is my own adaptation of a recipe which works well for me. What you end up with is liqueur-like but not too cloyingly sweet. The flavour of the fruit should shine through and, perversely, is enhanced by the use

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Tarragon Chicken

A swift Internet investigation of either Tarragon Chicken or, in French, Poulet à l’Estragon reveals that there seems to be no standard way to prepare, or even to describe, such a dish. This idea for a roasted whole chicken version

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Fish Crumble

Yes, I know this might sound strange to those accustomed to an apple crumble but trust me, this savoury crumble works well and has always proved immensely popular with those for whom we’ve cooked it. The savoury cheese crumble mixture

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Celery and Stilton Soup

This one’s entirely down to me. This is one of jolly old England’s classic combinations of flavours turned into a warming soup. These quantities make about a pint/550 ml so you can have either two steaming bowlfuls or four nicely

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Garlic Mashed Potatoes

A garlic fest that goes extremely well with roast chicken. Don’t be put off by the amount of garlic which might seem quite daunting; it is blanched before use and that moderates its strength of flavour into something entirely softer.

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Gurnard with Nettle Butter

This is a little curiosity I came up with in Cornwall where the gurnard (red or grey, it matters not) are usually excellent. We’d taken to travelling to Cornwall in the spring when the stinging nettles are at their prime,

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